Interested in spatial planning an environmental justice?
As part of the "Lifelong Learning" program, the EU funded a joint intensive seminar of the spatial planning departments at the universities of Hannover, Bologna (Italy), Bristol (England), Oradea (Romania), Nijmegen (Netherlands) and Tours (France).
From March 5 to 16, 2014, six students from each of the participating universities addressed the topic "Spatial Planning and Housing Policies: Creating Community Living Spaces." Together, at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (Italy)they critically reflected on the role of spatial planning in housing policies. The focus was on the economic, environmental and social aspects in order to develop innovative proposals for the creation of community living spaces for the case study "Caserma Masini" in Bologona. The design of a livable city requires integrated spatial planning approaches and includes issues such as safety and health, environmental sustainability, the quality of social interactions, opportunities for local recreation, culture and leisure, promotion of the local economy, innovative forms of open space use. The students were therefore asked to develop innovative solutions for the conversion area, taking into account the principles of livable and sustainable urban development, as well as the community-oriented and integrated approach to promoting housing policy.
In doing so, the internationally composed student groups received support from the lecturers of the different disciplines (urban planning, environmental planning, applied geography, urban design) of the spatial planning departments of the participating universities. On the part of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape, the supervisors Dipl.-Ing. Kirsten Aleth and Dr. Pia Steffenhagen were on site.