
In research, we focus on trend-setting topics like "multi-functional landscapes", "environmental impacts of renewable energy sources", "use of biomass", "regional governance", "interactive spatial planning", "nature conservation and farm management", "nature conservation and land use in arid regions", "planning as a process", "nature conservation and flood management" and "international and regional habitat networks".

In research, we focus on trend-setting topics like "multi-functional landscapes", "environmental impacts of renewable energy sources", "use of biomass", "regional governance", "interactive spatial planning", "nature conservation and farm management", "nature conservation and land use in arid regions", "planning as a process", "nature conservation and flood management" and "international and regional habitat networks".

A common feature of many research projects is the development of approaches to solving the problems of rural and suburban areas. This specific profile is reinforced by many cooperations with scientific institutions in Germany and abroad.

The development of models and software to support planning has been crucial for several years.

Teaching and research cross-fertilize each other. Since the staff members from the research projects are also active in teaching and the students are closely involved in the current research topics through project work and theses.