Landscape Planning and Ecosystem Services

Research topics

We aim to advance teaching and research on landscape planning and ecosystem services for supporting transformative landscape change for people and nature.

We use concepts such as green infrastructure, nature-based solutions, soundscapes and sponge landscapes, and apply and develop innovative methods using geodesign, citizen science, participatory GIS and remote sensing.

Our work is rooted in the field of landscape ecology and landscape planning, integrative across scales from local sites to landscapes and watersheds, and is inherently inter- and transdisciplinary by involving diverse knowledge holders from science and practice.

We carry out scientifically rigorous and societally relevant research focusing on three thematic domains:

  • Assessing impacts of landscape change on biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human well-being,
  • Co-generating spatial strategies for sustainable and resilient landscape development, and
  • Advancing landscape planning theories, methods and instruments.