Can new impulses for sustainable regional development be gained from identification with one's own region? At the opening event of the Future Discourse, experts from science and planning practice came to the conclusion: "Regional identities are a resource" and can strengthen the region as a whole. Therefore, regional planning can and should support and moderate regional identity-building processes.
Following on from these impulses, actors from planning and regional development exchanged views at our workshop on 20 November 2019 on how such processes are implemented in their regions and what results this brings for the region.
Mr. Huusmann, district developer from the district of Steinburg, and Ms. Falk, district curator of local history from the district of Olpe, presented two practical examples of different approaches and ways of dealing with the topic of regional identities.
In World Cafés, we also dealt with the questions of what concrete points of contact there are with regional identities in the participants' everyday professional lives and which other actors are involved in this.
- Introductory lecture by Dr. Daniela Kempa (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and Dr. Sebastian Krätzig (Academy for Spatial Research and Planning) for download: "Regional identities as a resource for future-oriented regions".("Regionale Identitäten als Ressource für zukunftsorientierte Regionen")
- Practical example by Peter Huusmann (Steinburg district): "Steinburger Elbmarschen: Shaping Change".
- Practical example by Susanne Falk (Olpe district): "Strengthening your own strengths. Examples from South Westphalia.