Prof. Dr. Helga Kanning

Focus in research and teaching
Field of expertise:
- Sustainable spatial and environmental development
Thematic foci:
- Sustainable urban, regional and environmental development
- Sustainability sciences, research and education in knowledge societies/economies, social transformations
- Ecological economy, sustainable management and environmental policy
- Renewable energies, resource and material flow management and planning/governance
- Theories, methods and instruments of urban, regional and landscape planning
Curriculum vitae
Short vita
1991 Diploma in Landscape and Open Space Planning at Leibniz University Hanover; 1992 Dipl.-Ing. in planning office; 1992-2004 Research assistant at the Institute for Regional Planning and Spatial Research; 2004-2006 Assistant Professor at the Institute for Environmental Planning. Senior Assistant at the Institute of Environmental Planning; 2000 PhD, 2004 Habilitation; 2006-2013 Managing Director of the Working Group + Office Innovative Projects of Applied University Research (AGiP) at the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK) at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts; since 2008 Associate Professor, Department of Sustainable Spatial and Environmental Development at the Institute of Environmental Planning; research projects e.g. at DFG, DBU; since 2014 Shareholder Sustainify UG - Institute for Sustainable Research, Education, Innovation,
Memberships and positions
Memberships, working groups, expert activities:
- Working Group "Sustainable Spatial Development for the Great Transformation" of the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL); appointed member 2016-2019
- Working Group "Universities and Sustainable Regional Development" of the ARL; appointed member 2014-2019
- Working group "Spatial policy and planning for the energy transition: Between Regionalisation and Remunicipalisation? of the ARL; appointed member 2012-2015, before that member of the core group for the conception of the working group State
- Working Group (LAG) Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein of the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL); elected member since 2012
- Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL); elected member since 2010, previously corresponding member
- Research Centre TRUST - Transdisciplinary | rural and urban | spatial transformation of Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH)
- GenderArchLand, Forum for Gender Competence in Architecture Landscape Planning at Leibniz Universität Hannover; board member 2008-2011
- University Teachers' Network for Sustainable Economics Association for Ecological Economy (VÖÖ); board member 2005-2007
- Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften e.V.; founding member Netzwerk Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften e.V.; founding member, board member 1997-1998
- Centre for Garden Art and Landscape Architecture at LUH; founding member Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning (SRL)
- UVP Society
- Expert activities e.g. for the Science Council, Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF) in the "Sparkling Science" programme, doctoral funding Hans Böckler Foundation (honorary lecturer since 2012)