Research visit to Thessaloniki and Larissa
Maisam Rafiee, M.Sc.

Maisam Rafiee, M.Sc.
Doctoral scholarship
Herrenhäuser Straße 2
30419 Hannover
30419 Hannover

Maisam Rafiee, M.Sc.
Doctoral scholarship
Researcher profile
- Doctoral Student (DAAD scholarship holder)
Focus in research:
PhD-project: Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solution on Local Climate in Kabul City, Afghanistan
- Funding: DAAD Scholarship
- Duration: 01.Oct.2023 to 30.Sep.2027
- Abstract: Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) is a significant focus in contemporary research on sustainable development in urban and rural areas. In the Kabul region, which has faced conflict and war for over four decades, there has been significant unplanned urban development. The lack of attention to ecosystem services delivery due to political and governmental issues is a gap for policy makers and planners at various levels. This study aims to explore nature-based solutions for ecosystem services by mapping challenges and identifying suitable areas for NBS implementation in the future.