Virtual day excursion "Audiotour - Public spaces"

Collage: on the Audio.StadtRadTour "Public Spaces" by Lena Siese Collage: on the Audio.StadtRadTour "Public Spaces" by Lena Siese Collage: on the Audio.StadtRadTour "Public Spaces" by Lena Siese
Collage for the Audio.StadtRadTour "Public Spaces" by Lena Siese

Planners have to deal with public spaces again and again in their (professional) everyday life. The aim of a virtual day excursion on 17 December 2020, supervised by Dr. Lena Greinke, was to get to know Hannover's public spaces and to understand their significance for urban development.

Around 30 students from the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning explored selected public spaces in Hanover with the help of the Audio.StadtRadTour "Öffentliche Räume" (public spaces) of the Bürgerbüro Stadtentwicklung e.V. (bbs) to explore selected public spaces in the city of Hanover using an app.

The students prepared their experiences at the nine listening stations in collages in terms of content and graphics.