„Hannah Arendt, Ida Arenhold, Niki de Saint-Phalle, Caroline Herschel, Lotte Kestner, Ada Lessing, Käte Steinitz and many more: On the trail of Hannover's most influential women" is how the Bürgerbüro Stadtentwicklung e. V. (bbs) advertises its website Audio.StadtRadTour „Frauenorte“. On May 21, 2021, around 20 students of the bachelor and master courses in landscape architecture and environmental planning, supervised by Dr. Lena Greinke, explored selected "women's places" with the help of the Audio.StadtRadTour of Bürgerbüro Stadtentwicklung e.V. (bbs) in the urban area of Hanover.
The goal of the day excursion was to get to know Hanover's women's places and to understand their significance for urban development. The students prepared collages of their experiences at the nine listening stations.