The Leine and Ihme under the sign of the Water Framework Directive - Bicycle excursion along Hannover's watercourses

The Leine and the Ihme flow through Hannover in the form of a green-blue ribbon. This makes their floodplains significant for local residents as a recreational area and as a "cycle fast track". Due to their extensive protection, for example as a Natura 2000 site, they are also an important retreat for animals and plants. But what exactly happens in and directly at these water bodies? And what about the restoration of the good ecological status required by the Water Framework Directive?

The bicycle excursion on 7 October 2020 with ten students started near Seelze and led via the Hinüberschen Garten near Garbsen through the Leine floodplain near Leinhausen, Stöcken and Herrenhausen, past the fish ladder at the Wasserkunst, via the confluence with the Ihme to the Landtag in the city centre. At selected locations, the students were informed about and discussed the structural quality, the ecological and chemical status as well as existing deficits of the water bodies. In addition, the students were given a visual impression of what the Leine and Ihme would look like without human influence. Melanie Salchow, managing director of the maintenance association 52 "Mittlere Leine", also described her experiences in implementing the WFD.