The annual "Intensive Seminar" (block seminar with a week-long break) of the universities from Bologna, Nijmegen, Tours, West of England (Bristol) and Hannover took place from March 14 to 25 in Cesena in Italy. Seven students and one or two supervisors per country participated in this EU-funded event, Holger Gnest and Dr. Frank Scholles accompanied the German students. The topic this year was the interaction of spatial planning and water management in a tourism area, which at the same time has to cope with a changing tourism demand. The first part of the seminar included excursions, lectures and presentations by the students, which they had prepared in their home country. Afterwards, international student groups were formed, which had to work out a concept for the town of Cesenatico in a short time. The final event was the joint public presentation of the students' work.