On 20 and 21 October 2016, the 5th Environmental Workcamp was held with 15 Master's students of Environmental Planning. The event takes place regularly during the introductory week of the winter semester and is led by Dr Stefan Rüter.
The 2016 workcamp was held in the "Obere Leine" landscape conservation area in the southern region of Hanover. The aim was to preserve or restore a temporarily water-bearing small water body and adjacent wetland habitats on the 1,500 square metre area "Am Fugenwinkel" in Alt-Laatzen. The students cleared woody plants and removed grass and shrub growth. The maintenance measures were carried out in close coordination with the Lower Nature Conservation Authority of the Hanover Region and the Laatzen Nature Conservation Association and served in particular to protect the grass snake (Natrix natrix) in this area.