As in previous years, the Department of Engineering Biology conducted a Langeoog excursion in cooperation with the Lower Saxony Agency for Hydraulic Engineering, Coastal Protection and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) from November 15 to 19, 2010. The excursion enabled the students to gain insights into the field of tension between nature and coastal protection in the Wadden Sea National Park and World Heritage Site and to learn about engineering-biological construction measures for dune protection.
In addition, the topics of water balance (preservation of the freshwater lens) and the effects of tourism on the island's ecosystem were addressed and discussed on the basis of the "ecological" golf course on Langeoog.
This year, the group was introduced to Langeoog's bird life by a civil servant working in nature conservation.
The practical implementation of the construction method "culm stocking" - the extraction and planting of beach grass in the white dunes - was presented to the students by employees of the NLWKN, just like last year. The students were also allowed to help themselves. The scientific derivation of these and other measures, such as the summer dyke relocation in favor of the spread of salt marshes was kindly taken over by Mr. Schulze-Diekhoff (biologist from the NLWKN). Thus, the preservation and spreading of salt marshes are not only carried out from a nature conservation point of view, but also serve coastal protection through the simultaneous raising of dikes.
Further excursion contents were the visit of the Pirolatal and the coastal protection measures completed there, as well as the Flinthörndünen with enclosed revetment as an example for the change of the morphological shape of the East Frisian Islands by the sediment dynamics in the coastal foreland.
Currently, two study projects at the IUP (introduction Bachelor and deepening Master) deal with nature and coastal protection measures, as well as with the greening and securing of sea dikes.