Institute Publications
Complete list of publications

Complete list of publications

since 2005


Showing results 1 - 20 out of 1585


Adem Esmail, B., Anderson, C. C., Bast, S., Cortinovis, C., Suleiman, L., Kato-Huerta, J., Högström, J., Balfors, B., Arciniegas, G., Geneletti, D., Mörtberg, U., & Albert, C. (2025). Geodesign to advance boundary work in urban planning: A study in Stockholm focused on nature-based solutions. AMBIO, 54(2), 285-304.
Adem Esmail, B., Cortinovis, C., Bast, S., Anderson, C. C., Suleiman, L., Arciniegas, G., Geneletti, D., Mörtberg, U., & Albert, C. (2025). Planning for transformative change with nature-based solutions: A geodesign application in Stockholm. Landscape and urban planning, 257, Article 105303. Advance online publication.
Chai-allah, A., Hermes, J., La Foye, A. D., Venter, Z. S., Joly, F., Brunschwig, G., Bimonte, S., & Fox, N. (2025). Assessing recreationists’ preferences of the landscape and species using crowdsourced images and machine learning. Landscape and urban planning, 257, Article 105315. Advance online publication.
Greinke, L., Lange, L., & Triantis, L. (2025). Conclusion. In The Future of Circular Cities?! : Planning for sustainable and inclusive communities
Greinke, L., Lange, L., & Triantis, L. (2025). Introduction: Rethinking Urban Development: Circular Cities for sustainable and inclusive communities. In The Future of Circular Cities?! : Planning for sustainable and inclusive communities
Greinke, L., Lange, L., & Triantis, L. (2025). Introduction: Ideas for Thessaloniki as a circular city. In The Future of Circular Cities?! : Planning for sustainable and inclusive communities
Greinke, L., & Mehnen, N. (2025). Large-Scale Urban Protected Areas in urban and regional development. Exploring strengths and weaknesses through three German case studies. Web publication/site
Greinke, L., Lange, L., & Triantis, L. (Eds.) (2025). The Future of Circular Cities?! Planning for sustainable and inclusive communities.
Greinke, L., & Rammelmeier, M. (2025). The impact of people's creativity and networks on spatial localisation - Locals, multi-locals, newcomers or returnees as an opportunity for civic engagement in rural areas. Journal of rural studies, 113, Article 103514.
Hermes, J., Albert, C., & von Haaren, C. (2025). Modelling monetary and non-monetary flows of recreational ecosystem services in Germany. AMBIO, 54(2), 270-284. Article 100925.
Linnebank, J., & Zitzmann, F. (2025). Mixing-in native thorny shrubs greatly improves the habitat quality of short rotation coppice strips within a modern agroforestry system for breeding birds. Global Ecology and Conservation, 58.
Plinke, M., Berndmeyer, J., & Hack, J. (2025). Development of a GIS-based register of biogas plant sites in Lower Saxony, Germany: a foundation for identifying P2G potential. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 15(1), Article 7. Advance online publication.
Romelli, C., Anderson, C. C., Fagerholm, N., Hansen, R., & Albert, C. (2025). Why do people visit or avoid public green spaces? Insights from an online map-based survey in Bochum, Germany. Ecosystems and People, 21(1), Article 2454252. Advance online publication.
Rothers, A. J. (2025). The poles in polarization: Social categorization and affective polarization in multiparty systems. Electoral Studies, 95(102908).
Triberti, G., Soto-Mota, P., Vargas López, A., & Serra-Barragán, L. A. (2025). How do the consequences on others affect dishonest behavior? Evidence from an online experiment in Mexico. Latin American Economic Review, 34, 1-29. Article 4.
Zickfeld, J. H., Ścigała, K. A., Elbæk, C. T., Michael, J., Tønnesen, M. H., Levy, G., Ayal, S., Thielmann, I., Nockur, L., Peer, E., Capraro, V., Barkan, R., Bø, S., Bahník, Š., Nosenzo, D., Hertwig, R., Mazar, N., Weiss, A., Koessler, A. K., ... Mitkidis, P. (2025). Effectiveness of ex ante honesty oaths in reducing dishonesty depends on content. Nature Human Behaviour, 9, 169–187.
Zitzmann, F., Linnebank, J., Hammelmann, N., & Riggert, H. (2025). Moderne silvoarable Agroforstsysteme mit Kurzumtriebsstreifen: Ein Baustein zur Förderung von Strukturvielfalt und Biodiversität in Agrarlandschaften?.
Zitzmann, F. (Accepted/in press). Seasonal use of different tree strip variants within a modern silvoarable agroforestry system by large and medium-sized mammals. Agroforestry Systems.


Anderson, C. C., Uhr, J. S., & Schmidt, S. (2024). Visitor motivations and design feature use for thermal comfort on hot days in Bochum City Park, Germany. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 102, Article 128564.
Bonilla Brenes, R., Hack, J., Morales, M., & Oreamuno, R. (2024). Integral recovery of an urban watershed through the implementation of nature-based solutions. Frontiers in Sustainability, 5, Article 1425732.

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