
Showing results 61 - 80 out of 171


Wen, C., Albert, C., & von Haaren, C. (2020). Equality in access to urban green spaces: A case study in Hannover, Germany, with a focus on the elderly population. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 55, Article 126820.
Wen, C., Albert, C., & von Haaren, C. (2020). 克里斯蒂娜·冯·哈伦.稳定与变革: 德国景观规划在空间规划中的基础作用及社会变化下的挑战. Beijing Landscape Architecture Journal, 27(1), 41 - 46.


Albert, C., Schröter, B., Haase, D., Brillinger, M., Henze, J., Herrmann, S., Gottwald, S., Guerrero, P., Nicolas, C., & Matzdorf, B. (2019). Addressing societal challenges through nature-based solutions: How can landscape planning and governance research contribute? Landscape and urban planning, 182, 12-21.
Albert, C., & von Haaren, C. (2019). Developing Landscape Planning Objectives and Measures. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 329-340). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Albert, C., von Haaren, C., Klug, H., & Weber, R. (2019). Leitbilder and Scenarios in Landscape Planning. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 423-433). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Albert, C., Boll, T., Haus, P., Hermes, J., & von Haaren, C. (2019). Measures for Landscape Aesthetics and Recreational Quality. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 381-387). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Albert, C., von Haaren, C., & Lovett, A. (2019). Synthesis and Prospects for Landscape Planning. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 495-499). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Förster, J., Schmidt, S., Bartkowski, B., Lienhoop, N., Albert, C., & Wittmer, H. (2019). Incorporating environmental costs of ecosystem service loss in political decision making: A synthesis of monetary values for Germany. PLoS ONE, 14(2), Article e0211419.,
Pusch, M. T., Podschun, S. A., Albert, C., Damm, C., Dehnhardt, A., Fischer, C., Fischer, H., Foeckler, F., Gelhaus, M., Gerstner, L., Iwanowski, J., Hoffmann, T. G., Mehl, D., Rayanov, M., Ritz, S., Rumm, A., Scholz, M., Stammel, B., Thiele, J., & Venohr, M. (2019). Ökosystemleistungen von Flussauen Bewerten: Der RESI-Ansatz. AuenMagazin, 2019(16), 6 - 10.
Simoncini, R., Ring, I., Sandström, C., Albert, C., Kasymov, U., & Arlettaz, R. (2019). Constraints and opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU's Common Agricultural Policy: Insights from the IPBES assessment for Europe and Central Asia. Land Use Policy, 88, Article 104099.
Spyra, M., Kleemann, J., Cetin, N. I., Vázquez Navarrete, C. J., Albert, C., Palacios-Agundez, I., Ametzaga-Arregi, I., La Rosa, D., Rozas-Vásquez, D., Adem Esmail, B., Picchi, P., Geneletti, D., König, H. J., Koo, H. M., Kopperoinen, L., & Fürst, C. (2019). The ecosystem services concept: a new Esperanto to facilitate participatory planning processes? Landscape Ecology, 34(7), 1715-1735.
Thiele, J., von Haaren, C., & Albert, C. (2019). Are river landscapes outstanding in providing cultural ecosystem services? An indicator-based exploration in Germany. Ecological Indicators, 101, 31-40.
Thiele, J., von Haaren, C., & Albert, C. (2019). Umweltleistungen sichtbar machen: Ein neuer Index erleichtert die Bewirtschaftung von Flüssen. In Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Ed.), Hochweit 2019: Jahrbuch 2019 der Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover (pp. 168-168). (Hochweit : Jahrbuch der Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft). Jovis Verlag.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., & Albert, C. (2019). Landscape Planning and Ecosystem Services: The Sum is More than the Parts. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 3-9). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., & Albert, C. (Eds.) (2019). Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe. (1. ed.) (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., & Albert, C. (2019). Objectives and Structure of the Book. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 11-18). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., & Albert, C. (2019). Theories and Methods for Ecosystem Services Assessment in Landscape Planning. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 19-42). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.,


Albert, C., Burkhard, B. F., & Ibendorf, J. (2018). Landschaften im Wandel – Verstehen, planen und realisieren. Tagungsband zur IALE-D-Jahrestagung, 5.-7. September 2018, Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Albert, C., & Falaleeva, M. (2018). Social learning for deliberative policy-making. In Principles of Environmental Policy: Local, European and Global Perspectives. (pp. 123-154). Publishing house of Pskov State University.
Guerrero, P., Haase, D., & Albert, C. (2018). Locating Spatial Opportunities for Nature-Based Solutions: A River Landscape Application. Water (Switzerland), 10(12), Article 1869.,