Research visit to Thessaloniki and Larissa

Dr. Blal Adem Esmail

Dr. Blal Adem Esmail
Research profile
- Associate employee
- Dr. Blal Adem Esmail is an environmental engineer, postdoctoral researcher and research assistant at the Chair for Environmental Analysis and Planning in Metropolitan Regions.
- His research focuses on planning nature-based solutions and green infrastructure for sustainable urban transformations with special attention to urban water challenges.
- He teaches graduate courses including "Ecosystem Services in Urban Areas" and "Environmental Urban Planning".
- He holds a PhD in environmental engineering on "Ecosystem services for watershed management and planning" and a MSc in civil engineering from the University of Trento, Italy.
- Previously, he held postdoctoral positions at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and PLANES Lab of the University of Trento.