ERASMUS intensive programme 2011 in Hanover

As part of the Lifelong Learning Programme "Lebenslanges Lernen" , the EU funded a joint intensive seminar of the spatial planning departments at the universities of Hanover, Bologna, Bristol, Oradea, Nijmegen and Tours. Six students from each of the participating universities dealt with climate change and inner city development. From 9 to 20 March 2011, they worked together at the IUP on the future sustainable development of Hanover's inner city against the background of the new requirements resulting from climate change ("climate change proof planning"). The following aspects were particularly included: the larger geographical and socio-economic context of the city, the legal and administrative planning context, transport and accessibility of the planning area, energy efficiency, water balance, public participation in planning and its communication (with regard to the population's increasing awareness of climate change impacts and appropriate adaptation and protection measures against it). The topic of climate change-adapted spatial planning in inner cities addresses various concerns, in particular: socio-economic issues (shopping behaviour, demographic change, job opportunities), environmental concerns (urban climate, water, biodiversity, noise, air quality), transport and mobility, energy efficiency. The intensive seminar promoted a multidisciplinary approach to spatial planning designs in response to climate change. This was also supported by lecturers from different disciplines (urban planning, environmental planning, applied geography, urban design), international staff and the international composition of the study group.