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Zickfeld, J. H., Ścigała, K. A., Elbæk, C. T., Michael, J., Tønnesen, M. H., Levy, G., Ayal, S., Thielmann, I., Nockur, L., Peer, E., Capraro, V., Barkan, R., Bø, S., Bahník, Š., Nosenzo, D., Hertwig, R., Mazar, N., Weiss, A., Koessler, A. K., ... Mitkidis, P. (2025). Effectiveness of ex ante honesty oaths in reducing dishonesty depends on content. Nature Human Behaviour, 9, 169–187.
Martin, A., Balvanera, P., Raymond, C. M., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Eser, U., Gould, R. K., Guibrunet, L., Harmáčková, Z. V., Horcea-Milcu, A. I., Koessler, A. K., Kumar, R., Lenzi, D., Merçon, J., Nthenge, A., O'farrell, P. J., Pascual, U., Rode, J., Yoshida, Y., & Zafra-Calvo, N. (2024). Sustainability-aligned values: exploring the concept, evidence, and practice. Ecology and society, 29(4), Artikel 18.
Murali, R., Lliso, B., Mannetti, L. M., Filyushkina, A., Amaruzaman, S., Amin, A. M., Hyldmo, H. D. S., Koessler, A. K., Lenzi, D., Lutti, N., & Yiu, E. (2024). Assessing multiple values of nature in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans. People and Nature, 6(3), 1355-1365.
Vargas López, A., & Koessler, A.-K. (2024). Farmer adaptation and maladaptation in the face of extreme weather events. Q Open, 4(2), Artikel qoae028.
Heinz, N., Koessler, A. K., & Engel, S. (2023). Distance to climate change consequences reduces willingness to engage in low-cost mitigation actions-Results from an experimental online study from Germany. PLOS ONE, 18(4), Artikel e0283190.
Horcea-Milcu, A. I., Koessler, A. K., Martin, A., Rode, J., & Moreno Soares, T. (2023). Modes of mobilizing values for sustainability transformation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 64, Artikel 101357.
Koessler, A. K., Müller, J., & Zitzelsberger, S. (2023). Asymmetric heterogeneities and the role of transfers in a public goods experiment. European economic review, 159, Artikel 104561.
Koessler, A. K., Heinz, N., & Engel, S. (2023). Perspective-taking with affected others to promote climate change mitigation. Frontiers in psychology, 14, Artikel 1225165.
Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Koessler, A. K., & Engel, S. (2023). Fostering collective action through participation in natural resource and environmental management: An integrative and interpretative narrative review using the IAD, NAS and SES frameworks. Journal of Environmental Management, 331, Artikel 117184.
Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Koessler, A. K., Miranda-Montagut, Y., & Cardenas, J. C. (2023). Participatory interventions for collective action and sustainable resource management: linking actors, situations and contexts through the IAD, NAS and SES frameworks. Sustainability science, 18(1), 79-96.
Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Koessler, A. K., & Engel, S. (2023). The impact of participatory interventions on pro-social behaviour in environmental and natural resource management: Evidence from the lab and the field. In A. Bucciol, A. Tavoni, & M. Veronesi (Hrsg.), Behavioural Economics and the Environment: A Research Companion (S. 160-181). Routledge.
Pascual, U., Balvanera, P., Anderson, C. B., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Christie, M., González-Jiménez, D., Martin, A., Raymond, C. M., Termansen, M., Vatn, A., Athayde, S., Baptiste, B., Barton, D. N., Jacobs, S., Kelemen, E., Kumar, R., Lazos, E., Mwampamba, T. H., Nakangu, B., ... Zent, E. (2023). Diverse values of nature for sustainability. NATURE, 620.
Koessler, A. K. (2022). Pledges and how social influence shapes their effectiveness. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 98, Artikel 101848.
Koessler, A. K., Vorlaufer, T., & Fiebelkorn, F. (2022). Social norms and climate-friendly behavior of adolescents. PLOS ONE, 17(4), Artikel e0266847.
Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Koessler, A.-K., & Engel, S. (2022). Fostering co-operation through participation in natural resource management: An integrative review. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Heinz, N., & Koessler, A. K. (2021). Other-regarding preferences and pro-environmental behaviour: An interdisciplinary review of experimental studies. Ecological economics, 184, Artikel 106987.
Koessler, A. K., & Engel, S. (2021). Policies as information carriers: How environmental policies may change beliefs and consequent behavior. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 15(1-2), 1-31.
Koessler, A. K., Page, L., & Dulleck, U. (2021). Public cooperation statements. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 16(4), 747-767.
Koessler, A. K., Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Janke, M., & Engel, S. (2021). Structuring Communication Effectively—The Causal Effects of Communication Elements on Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. Environmental and Resource Economics, 79(4), 683-712.
Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Montagut, Y. M., Castro, S., Koessler, A.-K., Rojas, M., & Zúñiga Meneses, A. (2021). Guía de Estrategia Participativa para la gestión colectiva de cuencas basada en juegos económicos. GIZ Peru Pro Ambiente Report.