
Arbeitsgruppe Planungsbezogene Biodiversitätsentwicklung

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 54


Bieri, D., Joshi, N., Wende, W., & Kleinschroth, F. (2024). Increasing demand for urban community gardening before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 92, Artikel 128206.
Chang, Y., van Strien, M. J., Zohner, C. M., Ghazoul, J., & Kleinschroth, F. (2024). Effects of climate, socioeconomic development, and greening governance on enhanced greenness under urban densification. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 206, Artikel 107624.
Estrada-Carmona, N., Carmenta, R., Reed, J., Betemariam, E., DeClerck, F., Falk, T., Hart, A. K., Jones, S. K., Kleinschroth, F., McCartney, M., Meinzen-Dick, R., Milder, J., Quintero, M., Remans, R., Valbuena, D., Willemen, L., Zanzanaini, C., & Zhang, W. (2024). Reconciling conservation and development requires enhanced integration and broader aims: A cross-continental assessment of landscape approaches. One Earth, 7(10), 1858-1873.
Kangi, G., Dondeyne, S., Kleinschroth, F., & Van Orshoven, J. (2024). Variation of the Omo Delta between 1990 and 2018: What remote sensing data reveal and models explain. Land Degradation and Development, 35(2), 867-883.
Kleinschroth, F. (2024). Assessing use of urban green spaces to inform planning for biodiversity and equitable access. In Book of Abstracts: IOER Conference 2024 Space & Transformation: Living in Harmony with Nature (S. 60-61)
Kleinschroth, F. (2024). Gerechter Zugang zu Grünräumen als Schlüsselfrage der Stadtplanung. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, 175(5), 262-263.
Kleinschroth, F., Savilaakso, S., Kowarik, I., Martinez, P. J., Chang, Y., Jakstis, K., Schneider, J., & Fischer, L. K. (2024). Global disparities in urban green space use during the COVID-19 pandemic from a systematic review. Nature Cities, 1(2), 136–149.
Slagter, B., Fesenmyer, K., Hethcoat, M., Belair, E., Ellis, P., Kleinschroth, F., Peña-Claros, M., Herold, M., & Reiche, J. (2024). Monitoring road development in Congo Basin forests with multi-sensor satellite imagery and deep learning. Remote sensing of environment, 315, Artikel 114380.
Wilkes-Allemann, J., Pfund, J. L., Augustinus, B. A., & Kleinschroth, F. (2024). In der Stadt ist der Wald ein anspruchsvoller Mitbewohner. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, 175(4), 198-200.
Wilkes-Allemann, J., Bühler, S., & Kleinschroth, F. (2024). Urban Forestry als Teil der Baukultur: Utopie oder Realität? Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, 175(2), 84-86.
Zhao, Z., Ciais, P., Wigneron, J. P., Santoro, M., Brandt, M., Kleinschroth, F., Lewis, S. L., Chave, J., Fensholt, R., Laporte, N., Sonwa, D. J., Saatchi, S. S., Fan, L., Yang, H., Li, X., Wang, M., Zhu, L., Xu, Y., He, J., & Li, W. (2024). Central African biomass carbon losses and gains during 2010–2019. One Earth, 7(3), 506-519.


Grobe, A. (2023). Etablierung von Torfmoosen und Begleitvegetation bei Torfmooskultivierung auf geringmächtigem Schwarztorf. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Grobe, A., & Rode, M. (2023). Factors influencing the establishment of vascular plants at Sphagnum cultivation sites. Wetlands ecology and management, 31(4), 449–465.
Grobe, A. (2023). Plant species composition and vegetation structure of Sphagnum cultivation sites. Applied vegetation science, 26(3), Artikel e12744.
Kleinschroth, F. (2023). Students’ perceptions of active learning: Experiences from a course on urban ecological research. ETH Learning and Teaching Journal, 4(1), 53-69.
Löfqvist, S., Kleinschroth, F., Bey, A., De Bremond, A., Defries, R., Fleischman, F., Lele, S., Martin, D. A., Messerli, P., Meyfroidt, P., Pfeifer, M., Rakotonarivo, S. O., Ramankutty, N., Ramprasad, V., Rana, P., Rhemtulla, J. M., Ryan, C. M., Vieira, I. C. G., Wells, G. J., & Garrett, R. D. (2023). How Social Considerations Improve the Equity and Effectiveness of Ecosystem Restoration. BIOSCIENCE, 73(2), 134-148.
Savilaakso, S., Lausberg, N., Waeber, P. O., Hillgén, O., Isotalo, A., Kleinschroth, F., Djenontin, I. N. S., Boul Lefeuvre, N., & Garcia, C. A. (2023). Whose perspective counts? A critical look at definitions of terms used for natural and near-natural forests. One Earth, 6(11), 1477-1493.
Waeber, P. O., Carmenta, R., Carmona, N. E., Garcia, C. A., Falk, T., Fellay, A., Ghazoul, J., Reed, J., Willemen, L., Zhang, W., & Kleinschroth, F. (2023). Structuring the complexity of integrated landscape approaches into selectable, scalable, and measurable attributes. Environmental Science and Policy, 147, 67-77.


Garcia, C. A., Savilaakso, S., Verburg, R. W., Stoudmann, N., Fernbach, P., Sloman, S. A., Peterson, G. D., Araújo, M. B., Bastin, J. F., Blaser, J., Boutinot, L., Crowther, T. W., Dessard, H., Dray, A., Francisco, S., Ghazoul, J., Feintrenie, L., Hainzelin, E., Kleinschroth, F., ... Waeber, P. O. (2022). Strategy games to improve environmental policymaking. Nature Sustainability, 5(6), 464-471.
Kleinschroth, F., Banda, K., Zimba, H., Dondeyne, S., Nyambe, I., Spratley, S., & Winton, R. S. (2022). Drone imagery to create a common understanding of landscapes. Landscape and urban planning, 228, Artikel 104571.