
Arbeitsgruppe Digitale Umweltplanung

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 95


Hack, J., Ojeda-Revah, L., Rubí, M. P., Pradilla, G., Borbor-Cordova, M., Burgueño, G., Eleuterio, A. A., Rivera, D., & Vásquez, A. (2024). Avances de infraestructura verde urbana para la gestión de agua en América Latina. Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía, 33(1), 139-160.
Hack, J., Gehrmann, S., & Wesemann, M. (2024). Wassersensible Stadtgestaltung: Innovative Klimawandelanpassung mit Regen- und Grauwassermanagement im Forschungsprojekt Resource:Mannheim. fbr-Wasserspiegel, 2024(2), 6-12. Artikel 2. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Pätzke, F., Schulze, C., Hack, J., Castro-Arce, K., Neumann, V. A., & Schröter, B. (2024). Attitudes of political-administrative decision makers towards the implementation of nature-based solutions in water management–a case study on a hypothetical constructed wetland in the Tárcoles River basin. Ecosystems and People, 20(1), Artikel 2339228.


Acharki, S., Taia, S., Arjdal, Y., & Hack, J. (2023). Hydrological modeling of spatial and temporal variations in streamflow due to multiple climate change scenarios in northwestern Morocco. Climate Services, 30, Artikel 100388.
Bonilla Brenes, J. R., Morales Mora, M., Vega, R. O., & Hack, J. (2023). Integrated development of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for tropical urban watershed restoration. In H. Habersack, M. Tritthart, & L. Waldenberger (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress (S. 2720-2729). (Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress). International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research.
Brenes, R. B., Morales, M., Oreamuno, R., & Hack, J. (2023). Variation in the hydrological response within the Quebrada Seca watershed in Costa Rica resulting from an increase of urban land cover. Urban water journal, 20(5), 575-591.
Brenner, J., Schmidt, S., & Albert, C. (2023). Localizing and prioritizing roof greening opportunities for urban heat island mitigation: insights from the city of Krefeld, Germany. Landscape ecology, 38(7), 1697-1712.
Burth, A., Brenner, J., & Egger, M. S. (2023). Einnahmeentwicklung und geographische Verbreitung der Zweitwohnungsteuer. Zeitschrift für Kommunalfinanzen, 73(11), 241-246.
Chapa, F., Perez Rubi, M., & Hack, J. (2023). A Systematic Assessment for the Co-Design of Green Infrastructure Prototypes: A Case Study in Urban Costa Rica. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(3), Artikel 2478.
Hack, J., Rubi, M. P., Beissler, M., Chapa, J. F., Neumann, V., & Schiffmann, C. (2023). Guías Verdes: Infraestructura Verde para la cuidad, sus cuidadanos y sus ríos. (Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover). Forschungsdaten-Repositorium der LUH.
Hack, J., Perez Rubi, M. A., Beissler, M., Sandoval, A. O., & Bonilla Brenes, J. R. (2023). Implementing Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure for Cities, Citizens and Rivers - The SEE-URBAN-WATER Project. Forschungsdaten-Repositorium der LUH.
Hack, J., Ojeda-Revah, L., Rubí, M. P., Pradilla, G., Borbor-Cordova, M., Burgueño, G., Eleuterio, A. A., Rivera, D., & Vásquez, A. (2023). Progress in urban green infrastructure for water management in Latin America. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Hack, J. (2023). Smart Water City: Ein Projekt für Wasser, integrierte Stadtentwicklung und Klimaresilienz. Unimagazin, 2023(3/4), 42-45.
Hack, J. (2023). Urbane Flusseinzugsgebiete neu gedacht: SEE-URBAN-WATER führt zu Naturbasierten Lösungen. Unimagazin, 2023(03), 48-51.
Lopes Monteiro, C., Bonilla Brenes, J. R., Serrano-Pacheco, A., & Hack, J. (2023). Multi-criteria site selection and hydraulic modeling of green flood retention measures in a highly urbanized basin in Costa Rica. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 85, Artikel 127957.
Pätzke, F., Schulze, C., Hack, J., Castro-Arce, K., Neumann, V. A., & Schröter, B. (2023). Attitudes of Political-Administrative Actors Towards the Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions in Water Management - An Example of the Tárcoles River. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Schüßler, D., Andriamalala, Y. R., van der Bach, R., Katzur, C., Kolbe, C., Maheritafika, M. H. R., Rasolozaka, M., Razafitsalama, M., Renz, M., Steffens, T. S., Radespiel, U., & Brenner, J. (2023). Thirty years of deforestation within the entire ranges of nine endangered lemur species (3 CR, 4 EN, 2 VU) in northwestern Madagascar. Ecotropica, 25(1/2).


Arthur, N., & Hack, J. (2022). A multiple scale, function, and type approach to determine and improve Green Infrastructure of urban watersheds. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 68, Artikel 127459.
Bossuyt, S., Brogueira, P., Castro, C., David, F., Dellabale, A., Freihöefer, J., Garcia, M. V., Gonçalves, I., Hack, J., Nordström, K., Simões, F., & Simões, P. (2022). Unite! European University: Main difficulties regarding Flexible Study Pathways identified by Partners with Impact on Joint Programmes - Results of a survey across Europe. In H.-M. Jarvinen, S. Silvestre, A. Llorens, & B. V. Nagy (Hrsg.), SEFI 2022 - 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings (S. 1866-1871). European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI).
Brenes, J. R. B., Vega, R. O., & Hack, J. (2022). A Width Parameter Estimation Through Equivalent Rectangle Methodology for Hydraulic Modeling Applications. Journal of Water Management Modeling, 30, Artikel C493.