Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 98
Bonilla Brenes, R., Hack, J., Morales, M., & Oreamuno, R. (2024). Integral recovery of an urban watershed through the implementation of nature-based solutions. Frontiers in Sustainability, 5, Artikel 1425732. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsus.2024.1425732
Hack, J., Ojeda-Revah, L., Rubí, M. P., Pradilla, G., Borbor-Cordova, M., Burgueño, G., Eleuterio, A. A., Rivera, D., & Vásquez, A. (2024). Avances de infraestructura verde urbana para la gestión de agua en América Latina. Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía, 33(1), 139-160. https://doi.org/10.15446/rcdg.v33n1.101947
Hack, J., Gehrmann, S., & Wesemann, M. (2024). Wassersensible Stadtgestaltung: Innovative Klimawandelanpassung mit Regen- und Grauwassermanagement im Forschungsprojekt Resource:Mannheim. fbr-Wasserspiegel, 2024(2), 6-12. Artikel 2. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Pätzke, F., Schulze, C., Hack, J., Castro-Arce, K., Neumann, V. A., & Schröter, B. (2024). Attitudes of political-administrative decision makers towards the implementation of nature-based solutions in water management–a case study on a hypothetical constructed wetland in the Tárcoles River basin. Ecosystems and People, 20(1), Artikel 2339228. https://doi.org/10.1080/26395916.2024.2339228
Pradilla, G., & Hack, J. (2024). An urban rivers renaissance? Stream restoration and green–blue infrastructure in Latin America: Insights from urban planning in Colombia. Urban ecosystems, 27(6), 2245-2265. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-024-01571-9
Rubi, M. P., Schiffmann, C., & Hack, J. (2024). Multidimensional assessment of a Nature-based Solution for decentralized greywater treatment in Costa Rica. Nature-Based Solutions, 6, Artikel 100156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbsj.2024.100156
Acharki, S., Taia, S., Arjdal, Y., & Hack, J. (2023). Hydrological modeling of spatial and temporal variations in streamflow due to multiple climate change scenarios in northwestern Morocco. Climate Services, 30, Artikel 100388. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2023.100388
Bonilla Brenes, J. R., Morales Mora, M., Vega, R. O., & Hack, J. (2023). Integrated development of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for tropical urban watershed restoration. In H. Habersack, M. Tritthart, & L. Waldenberger (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress (S. 2720-2729). (Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress). International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research. https://doi.org/10.3850/978-90-833476-1-5_iahr40wc-p1202-cd
Brenes, R. B., Morales, M., Oreamuno, R., & Hack, J. (2023). Variation in the hydrological response within the Quebrada Seca watershed in Costa Rica resulting from an increase of urban land cover. Urban water journal, 20(5), 575-591. https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062X.2023.2204877
Brenner, J., Schmidt, S., & Albert, C. (2023). Localizing and prioritizing roof greening opportunities for urban heat island mitigation: insights from the city of Krefeld, Germany. Landscape ecology, 38(7), 1697-1712. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-023-01644-8
Burth, A., Brenner, J., & Egger, M. S. (2023). Einnahmeentwicklung und geographische Verbreitung der Zweitwohnungsteuer. Zeitschrift für Kommunalfinanzen (ZKF) (druck), 73(11), 241-246.
Chapa, F., Perez Rubi, M., & Hack, J. (2023). A Systematic Assessment for the Co-Design of Green Infrastructure Prototypes: A Case Study in Urban Costa Rica. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(3), Artikel 2478. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15032478
Hack, J., Rubi, M. P., Beissler, M., Chapa, J. F., Neumann, V., & Schiffmann, C. (2023). Guías Verdes: Infraestructura Verde para la cuidad, sus cuidadanos y sus ríos. (Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover). Forschungsdaten-Repositorium der LUH. https://doi.org/10.15488/14474
Hack, J., Perez Rubi, M. A., Beissler, M., Sandoval, A. O., & Bonilla Brenes, J. R. (2023). Implementing Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure for Cities, Citizens and Rivers - The SEE-URBAN-WATER Project. Forschungsdaten-Repositorium der LUH. https://doi.org/10.15488/15438
Hack, J., Ojeda-Revah, L., Rubí, M. P., Pradilla, G., Borbor-Cordova, M., Burgueño, G., Eleuterio, A. A., Rivera, D., & Vásquez, A. (2023). Progress in urban green infrastructure for water management in Latin America. Vorabveröffentlichung online. https://doi.org/10.22541/au.169081523.30339770/v1
Hack, J. (2023). Smart Water City: Ein Projekt für Wasser, integrierte Stadtentwicklung und Klimaresilienz. Unimagazin, 2023(3/4), 42-45. https://doi.org/10.15488/15428
Hack, J. (2023). Urbane Flusseinzugsgebiete neu gedacht: SEE-URBAN-WATER führt zu Naturbasierten Lösungen. Unimagazin, 2023(03), 48-51. https://doi.org/10.15488/15429
Lopes Monteiro, C., Bonilla Brenes, J. R., Serrano-Pacheco, A., & Hack, J. (2023). Multi-criteria site selection and hydraulic modeling of green flood retention measures in a highly urbanized basin in Costa Rica. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 85, Artikel 127957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2023.127957
Pätzke, F., Schulze, C., Hack, J., Castro-Arce, K., Neumann, V. A., & Schröter, B. (2023). Attitudes of Political-Administrative Actors Towards the Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions in Water Management - An Example of the Tárcoles River. Vorabveröffentlichung online. https://doi.org/10.22541/au.169774191.19879068/v1
Schüßler, D., Andriamalala, Y. R., van der Bach, R., Katzur, C., Kolbe, C., Maheritafika, M. H. R., Rasolozaka, M., Razafitsalama, M., Renz, M., Steffens, T. S., Radespiel, U., & Brenner, J. (2023). Thirty years of deforestation within the entire ranges of nine endangered lemur species (3 CR, 4 EN, 2 VU) in northwestern Madagascar. Ecotropica (Online), 25(1/2). https://doi.org/10.30427/ecotrop202304