According to the ranking of the British newspaper "The Economist", Vienna is the most liveable city in the world in 2022 (The Economist, 2022). The development of such a metropolis, which currently has a population of 1.9 million, is of great importance for present and future planners as a subject and place of learning and further education.
For this reason, a group of students from Leibniz Universität Hannover, led by Dr. Nora Mehnen and Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk, set off for Vienna from 04.09 to 09.09.2022.
The excursion programme consisted of essential aspects of Viennese urban development with a special focus on the International Building Exhibition Vienna (IBA Vienna), which is in its final year of presentation in 2022 under the name "New Social Housing".
In order to experience urban development with all its facets, the students dealt with individual projects and neighbourhoods within the city. Informative discussions with representatives of the city administration, civil society and academia provided detailed information about social, but also political structures within such a cosmopolitan city.
When looking at a city, it is inevitable to take a look at the surrounding countryside. For this reason, a day was also spent in the neighbouring province of Lower Austria.
A complete overview of the excursion with all topics and content-related aspects can be found in the students' excursion report. Special thanks go to all the experts.
The Economist (2022): The world’s most liveable cities. Life is getting back to normal, if not quite everywhere. URL: (last accessed on 04.11.2022)